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Norton Speaks to Amtrak President about 24-Hour Delays in Chicago

December 23, 2008


Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), who represents the District of Columbia, where Amtrak has its hub, spoke with Amtrak President Joseph Boardman this evening following reports of insufficient information provided to customers concerning delays of as much as 24 hours last night at Chicago's Union Station. Boardman said that frozen tracks in the unusually cold Chicago weather was a major cause for the delays. Norton suggested that simply hearing that and other reasons for the delays might have been the best remedy. Continuous flow of information will relieve many, she believes, and allows others to exercise their option to wait elsewhere or to postpone travel. Earlier access to food would always be helpful, she said. Norton, who worked on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee this year to help shepherd the first repair and rehabilitation legislation for Amtrak through decades, is well aware of Congressional neglect of Amtrak's infrastructure. She said that she was pleased that Boardman told her that he has asked the Inspector General to investigate the delays and Amtrak's response.


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