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Norton Congratulates 700 New American Citizens and Washingtonians and Points to Faster Way for Citizenship for District Residents

December 17, 2008


Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) congratulated 700 new American citizens and new Washingtonians today at the largest ever naturalization ceremony. The swearing-in was held this morning at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center because of the size of the new group.

"The important difference between you, as new citizens, and the rest of us is that citizenship happened to us, but you made your citizenship happen, often at great sacrifice," said Norton, a third-generation Washingtonian. The Congresswoman, whose office has assisted many of the new citizens in getting their citizenship, said some of them had expressed concern to her staff about the difference between our neighbors in Maryland and Virginia, who get instant citizenship, and those who are sworn in in the District. In both Maryland and Virginia swearing-in is done by administrators at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services the day they pass their tests. In the District, however, applicants who pass their test must wait until their swearing-in can be scheduled in court.

Norton said she felt obligated to investigate the possibility of same-day citizenship for District residents, as well, considering the many valuable privileges and benefits that follow. Among the most important are family unification, including instant citizenship for children in this country under age 18, expedited immigrant visas for their spouses and children under age 18 and parents abroad, and the right to apply for those federal jobs available only to citizens, which is particularly important in the national capital region, where the federal government is the dominant employer. She regretted that these new citizens missed voting in the most historic national election in American history.


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