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Working For Our Veterans

“A man good enough to shed his blood for his country should be good enough to be given a square deal.”

- President Teddy Roosevelt

Congressman Weller believes we owe our veterans a great debt of gratitude.  Their sacrifices have protected the democratic ideals that are the foundation of our country, and their heroism continues to be an example for all Americans.

Perhaps now, more than any time in recent history, it is important to remember that our Nation has remained strong because of those who have fought and died for our country.  It is because we are the home of the brave that we remain the land of the free.

Congressman Weller has fought to ensure veterans have the care they need. His landmark legislation allowed VA outpatient clinics to partner with local hospitals.  It is because of this legislation that a VA outpatient clinic was opened in LaSalle.  Thousands of veterans in the Illinois Valley and surrounding area no longer have to drive to Chicago or Iowa City to receive routine medical care. 

In the 110th Congress, Rep. Weller voted to increase veterans’ health care spending to record levels.  He worked with his colleagues in Congress to double health care funding over the last decade, and believes a new investment in this area is needed as our World War II, Korea, and Vietnam veterans age, not to mention the new veterans created by the current conflict in Iraq.

Congressman Weller also introduced legislation, the Combat Military Medically Retired Veterans Act (H.R. 243), which allows medically retired veterans who received the Purple Heart to collect their prorated retirement pay.

When Congress established concurrent receipt a few years ago, 17,500 veterans who have received the Purple Heart were left out.  Many of these brave men and women become severely wounded in combat, and are forced to retire from the service.  Yet despite their sacrifice for our country, many don’t meet the current requirements to receive benefits from both the Department of Defense and Veterans Administration. 

Under current law, medically retired veterans must have served for 20 years to receive benefits from both the Defense Department and VA (a feature called concurrent receipt).  Weller’s legislation waives the 20-year requirement, and mandates the benefit match the time in service. 

Approximately 600 additional veterans have received the Purple Heart in the last four years and would be eligible for increased benefits under the Weller bill.  The average benefit to eligible veterans under the legislation would be approximately $1,000 per month – a figure close to that of Medal of Honor recipients’.

Congressman Weller believes under any doctrine of fairness it is our moral obligation to care for "him who shall have borne the battle."  This bill is a good step in correcting the inequity of retirement and disability benefit to our combat disabled veterans.

Rep. Weller is also the first member of Congress to honor an Iraq war casualty by naming a post office branch in the soldier’s honor.  Congressman Weller has worked to pass legislation honoring four local casualties of the Iraq war in this way.  He believes by honoring one veteran, you effectively honor the sacrifice of them all.

Rep. Weller is also responsible for securing passage of legislation creating the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in the former Joliet Arsenal property.  It is because of Rep. Weller's Illinois Land Conservation Act of 1996 that an area which once was used for war is now a place of lasting peace for America's fallen heroes.  Rep. Weller has secured more than $18 million in federal funds for Abraham Lincoln since its dedication.

Related Documents:

Press Release - Weller statement on Independence Day 2008 7.3.2008

Press Release - Weller announces federal grant to Manteno veterans home 6.16.2008

Speeches and Floor Statements - Rep. Weller commemorates America's fallen heroes with speech at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery 5.26.2008

Press Release - Weller delivers medals to WWII hero 4.8.2008

Press Release - Weller hails signing of veterans' health legislation into law 2.8.2008

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Kasler-Momence Veterans Park Dedication

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