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Jobs and Economic Growth

The chance to work and the opportunity to succeed - it’s been the American dream since the birth of this nation.  At a time when our thoughts often turn to security and freedom, the security that is provided by good jobs and a strong economy depend on freedom from an over-taxing and bureaucratic government. 

In his work on the Way and Means Committee in Congress, Congressman Weller has made a difference for families in Illinois and the nation.  Rep. Weller helped craft the tax relief bills of 2001 and 2003, which included his proposals to end the marriage tax penalty.  He also was a strong supporter of increasing the child tax credit from $600 per year to $1,000.  As a result of the new tax bracket configuration initiated in these bills, three million low income families will no longer pay income tax.   These actions provide immediate tax relief for families and businesses to help create jobs and stimulate the economy now.

Congressman Weller also led a bi-partisan effort to pass an accelerated depreciation measure, encouraging business investment and job creation.  The measure accelerates depreciation by 50 percent, allowing companies to afford to make upgrades to assets such as computer systems and technology.

In the 110th Congress, Rep. Weller has been a strong opponent of attempts to allow the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 to expire, thereby raising taxes.  To find out more, read the following items linked here, here, and here.

The following is a summary of more of Congressman Weller's work to provide jobs and spur economic growth in the 11th Congressional District and across the nation.

Redevelopment of the Joliet Arsenal.

In 1996, the Illinois Land Conservation Act, sponsored by Congressman Weller, was signed into law, allowing for one of the most ambitious government land renovation and rehabilitation projects in history.  The subsequent development of the Deer Run Industrial Park has proven to be a boon for Will County. The numbers speak for themselves:

1,500 jobs created, with 1,000 more on the way thanks to the new Wal-Mart    distribution facility announced in 2005.  The addition of the Island City Industrial Park will create even more economic opportunity.

$1.5 billion invested in our local economy, courtesy of nine different global companies who have set up shop at Deer Run, and soon at Island City.

1,800 acres of unused land redeveloped into a shipping-receiving hub, a model for future facilities throughout the nation.

Supporting the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

The Energy Policy Act of 2005, with Congressman Weller’s support, plowed the way for jobs to grow from America’s new focus on renewable energy.  Congressman Weller and his colleagues successfully nearly doubled the Renewable Fuels Standard, to call for an annual consumption rate of 7.5 billion gallons a year by 2012, and provided tax incentives for the production and consumption of biofuels.  As a result, dozens of investor firms are moving forward with plans to build ethanol and biodiesel plants in Illinois.  According to the Renewable Fuels Association, a new ethanol plant will:

Expand the base of a local economy by $110.2 million.
Generate an additional $19.6 million in household income.
Support the creation of as many as 694 permanent jobs throughout the U.S.
Generate at least $1.2 million in new tax revenue for state and local governments.

Six ethanol plants are planned in the 11th Congressional District.

Strengthening small businesses.

More than 90 percent of American employers are small businesses.  They generate about 70 percent of the new jobs created each year. 

Congressman Weller was instrumental in developing components of what became known as the “Small Business Bill of Rights” which unanimously passed the House on April 27, 2005.  The Small Business Bill of Rights is designed to meet employers’ most critical needs, including:

Access to affordable quality healthcare: H.R. 525 (passed House 263-165) creates national Association Health Plans, allowing small businesses to band together and purchase health insurance at group rates (this would cut the number of uninsured Americans by almost 20 %).  The Senate failed to act on a similar bill. H.R. 5 (passed House 230-194), the HEALTH Act of 2005, would reform our nation’s liability laws to control skyrocketing health care premiums.

Tax relief and reform: H.R. 4297 (signed into law May 17, 2006) extends $70 billion in tax relief, including a two year extension of the higher $100,000 small business expensing limit and a one year extension of individual Alternative Minimum Tax relief.   

Repealing the “Death Tax”: Congress also repealed the so-called death tax, allowing         family-owned businesses to stay in the family.

Lower energy prices: The Energy Policy Act of 2005 is important to small businesses because it focuses on encouraging environmentally friendly extraction of energy resources here at home, and provides tax credits to purchase and produce energy efficient equipment.  As a result of this bill, Transco Products, a small manufacture supplier to energy providers, has doubled its workforce.

Fighting for working families.

Congressman Weller led the way in providing for Multiemployer Pension Plans.  The Pension Protection Act, signed into law by President Bush in August 2006, includes sections guaranteeing multiemployer plans commonly used by labor unions stay strong.  Congressman Weller has taken a lead role on this issue over his career.

The Pension Protection Act also includes Congressman Weller’s so-called “catch-up” provision, which allows people to increase the amount they contribute to defined contribution plans, such as 401ks.

"415 Limits.”  Before Congressman Weller’s involvement, there were limitations on how much could be taken from a multiemployer pension.  As a result, some working families received less than half of their pension.  Congressman Weller’s legislation led to the permanent fix of this problem in 2001.


Related Documents:

Press Release - Weller votes 'yes' on financial rescue plan 10.3.2008

Article - Weller: My last act to help the unemployed 10.3.2008

Press Release - Weller legislation expands Midewin 9.19.2008

Article - Weller in Washington Times: Colombia: The Eyes Have It 9.16.2008

Article - Weller: 'Chicken Littles' proven wrong on DR-CAFTA 8.4.2008

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Related Files:

Bissell-Arsenal Groundbreaking

Joliet Chamber Speech, 9-21

Rep. Weller on WCSJ Radio

U.S. 30 Summit Opening and Closing

FlexFuel-Hybrid Press Conference

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