November 3, 2005

Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on Potential Leak Source at Indian Point

“I am pleased that the NRC is following up on their commitment to me to improve oversight at Indian Point and I am pleased that Entergy and the NRC took the time today to brief local community leaders, stakeholders and elected officials on this very serious matter. While these are certainly positive developments and Entergy is making progress in identifying the source of the leaks and containing them, I will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that water supplies and public health are not threatened in any way.” Senator Clinton made her statement today in response to a report by Entergy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) that they have isolated three locations inside Indian Point 2's spent fuel pool that may be the source of leaking radioactive water at the site. Senator Clinton’s office was briefed on the developments today during a presentation and tour of the plant. Senator Clinton has expressed her serious concerns about recent leaks found near the spent fuel pool at the Indian Point power plant, as well as continued problems associated with the plant’s emergency notification system, meeting with U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Chairman Nils Diaz to personally discuss these issues.


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