January 10, 2003

Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on Report Released Today Regarding Emergency Preparedness Around the Indian Point and Millstone Nuclear Power Plants

The draft report released today regarding emergency preparedness around the Indian Point and Millstone nuclear power plants is cause for continuing concern about the safety and security of those who live near these facilities. I commend James Lee Witt and his colleagues for their comprehensive and critical review, and intend to thoroughly review the many findings and recommendations contained in the report.

Unfortunately, for those who have lived around these plants, the concerns outlined in the report are not new. But this report shows that we need to redouble our efforts when it comes to ensuring adequate emergency preparedness at Indian Point, and other facilities around the state and around the country.

What this draft report appears to show is that even if states, localities, and the industry were to meet all federal emergency response regulations, that does not necessarily mean that people are being adequately protected. The draft report also suggests that existing regulations are particularly inadequate for high density population areas, such as the area around Indian Point.

That is why yesterday, I reintroduced "The Nuclear Security Act," which calls for enhanced federal security and emergency preparedness standards at our nation's nuclear power plants. I will be continuing to push this legislation in the Senate, and believe this draft report will provide further support for my efforts. While we had given special priority in the bill to nuclear power plants in high population density areas, I have directed my staff to go back, and to start revising the bill based on the recommendations in this report.

That is also why earlier this week, I also reintroduced my Homeland Security Block Grant bill, because what this report also shows is that we need to be providing direct funding to our communities and local police, fire and emergency responders - so that they can do their jobs when it comes to emergency preparedness and response. That bill gives special consideration to communities with nuclear power plants.

Ensuring the safety and security of those who live around these nuclear power plants is paramount. This is why I have been pushing legislation for over a year to improve federal standards, and why I will be continuing in that endeavor.


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