Israeli airstrikes kill 8 in Gaza Strip
Hamas continues to fire rockets into Israel, and its supporters hold a funeral for a slain leader. Thousands of Israeli troops remain massed on the Gaza border.
Palestinians, united in rage against Israel, are torn between Fatah's push for peace and Hamas' call to arms. Factional feuding is on display in the streets of the West Bank. >>

An 18-year-old member of the clan blew himself up, officials say. The tribe's leader had wanted members to find common ground. >>

January 2, 2009
Israel bombed a mosque it said was used to store weapons and destroyed the homes of more than a dozen Hamas operatives today, but under international pressure, the government allowed hundreds of Palestinians with foreign passports to leave besieged Gaza. >>

The crucial land route for supplies to U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan is reopened three days after being closed because of a Pakistani offensive against Islamic militants in the region. >>

Young men with ties to a hard-line political group shout slogans and vandalize the Tehran building where the human rights lawyer lives and works. >>

Police detain five for a day, forestalling a news conference about their children who are ill from tainted formula. >>

Kilinochchi served as the Tamil Tigers' de facto capital as they battle for an autonomous state. >>

Austria: Two contenders for IAEA post / Canada: Syrian suspect ordered freed/ Saudi Arabia: Two men beheaded for robbery and killing / Britain: Couple's twins are mix and match >>

January 2, 2009
Crewmen fired high pressure water jets today to fight off heavily armed Somali pirates trying to board a Greek oil tanker in the dangerous Gulf of Aden, officials said. It was the fourth pirate attack of the new year. >>

The troops' withdrawal, which is to continue in stages, raises fears that Islamic militants will seize control of more of the country. >>

January 2, 2009
Mexico is in a league of its own when it comes to red tape. It's gotten so bad that the government is even rewarding citizens for choosing the paperwork best fit for the dustbin. >>

Helen Suzman, an anti-apartheid activist and former longtime opposition leader in South Africa's parliament who was one of the few white elected officials to win the trust and respect of the country's black majority, died Thursday. She was 91. >>

Trailing as Israeli elections loom, the defense minister is now front and center in a leadership role. >>

The targeting of ideologue Nizar Rayan, seen as a major blow to the group, raises speculation that Israel may revive its assassination policy. Israeli leaders say calls for a truce are premature. >>

Call it what you want; it's complicated. Iraqis have nominally taken charge, but they lack the wherewithal to achieve much alone. >>

The program, suggested by an Iraqi women's group, is part of an effort to reestablish the country's once-thriving dairy industry as well as a way to help impoverished women and children. >>

President Dmitry Medvedev signs the controversial measure with little publicity. A pending Putin-backed law widens the definition of treason. Government critics fear the stage is set for a crackdown. >>

It's a big first step toward withdrawal from Iraq -- a 'day of sovereignty,' Prime Minister Nouri Maliki says, that should become a national holiday. >>

The dispute could interrupt fuel supplies to other European countries. The clash over fees and debts reflects the ongoing tension between the two former Soviet neighbors. >>

Cuba: 50 years of revolution celebrated / China: 30th anniversary of ties with U.S. marked / India: 5 killed in blasts in Gauhati, Assam >>

January 1, 2009
The planned withdrawal of U.S troops from urban areas and a set of key elections could help Iraqis consolidate their nation, or send it spinning back into chaos. >>

As airstrikes continue, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says a French proposal for a cease-fire lacks guarantees that Hamas rocket fire will end. But he says Israel is open to better terms. >>

Central bank chief Gideon Gono makes no apology for continuing to crank out money, which economists say fuels hyperinflation. Critics call him a megalomaniac with a vise-like grip on the economy. >>

An opaque legal system clashes with an inquisitive public. Former executives of Sanlu Group are accused in the melamine-tainted milk that killed six babies and sickened 300,000. >>

Public displays and rhetoric have two purposes: to assert leadership in the Islamic world and to bolster Tehran's hard-liners at home. But they also may link Iran unfavorably with Hamas' militancy. >>

Wearing civilian garb to avoid detection by warplanes, the officers are busy arresting merchants suspected of price gouging during the crisis. >>

Officials suspect the Heaven's Army members were planning to attack pilgrims celebrating the holiday of Ashura. Elsewhere, a candidate in upcoming provincial elections is assassinated. >>

A fire swept through a high-end nightclub jammed with hundreds of New Year's Eve revelers early today, killing at least 59 people and injuring more than 200, officials said. >>

December 31, 2008
The U.S. and Mexico agree that cartels have morphed into crime syndicates that pose an urgent security threat to the region. But working together has not been easy. >>

Mostafa Hosni preaches on TV, repackaging Islam and focusing on real-life problems for Egypt's young adults. He doesn't fit the West's stereotypical image of an Islamic spiritual leader. >>
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Best of 2008: World photography
Best of 2008: World photography
Some of the stories that made compelling images in 2008: A magnitude 7.9 quake rocked China's Sichuan province. Georgian cities came under attack by Russian troops. The citizens of Nepal cast votes in national elections. The poor residents of Dharavi, the largest slum in India, struggled to hold on to their valuable land.
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