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  Searched For: Castro Results 1 - 4 of 136
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1. Bingaman: Castro's Retirement is an Opportunity for the US
... Bingaman: Castro's Retirement is an Opportunity for the US. ... Earlier this month, Fidel
Castro resigned after serving as Cuba''s leader for nearly 50 years. ...
2. News By Issue
... Dropout Bill. [MORE]. Foreign Affairs. Feb 27, Bingaman: Castro's Retirement
is an Opportunity for the US. [MORE]. Health Care. Jul 09, ...
3. Jeff Bingaman, US Senator from New Mexico
... Mar 27, Bingaman: Mexico Steps up Effort to Stop Violence in Border Region. Feb
27, Bingaman: Castro's Retirement is an Opportunity for the US. NEWS BY REGION. ...
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