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DivxX Video Codec, Version 5

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Table of Contents
Identification and description
Local use
Sustainability factors
Quality and functionality factors (video)
File type signifiers
Format specifications
Useful references
Format Description Properties
• ID: fdd000069
• Short name: DivX_5
• Content categories: moving image
• Format category: bitstream encoding
• Last significant update: 2004-05-03

Identification and description Explanation of format description terms

Full nameDivxX Video Codec, Version 5
DescriptionBitstream encoding for video initially developed by the French video engineer Jérôme Rota, aka Gej. The DivXNetworks web site describes the encoding as based on the MPEG-4 standard; DivX version 5.0 was released in March 2002; version 5.1 during 2003.
  Production phase  Generally used as an end-user delivery format.
Relationship to other formats 
  Used byAVI (Audio Video Interleaved)

Local use Explanation of format description terms

LC experience or existing holdings 
LC preference 

Sustainability factors Explanation of format description terms

DisclosureProprietary standard with some public documentation
  DocumentationThe Official DivX 5.1 Guide (
AdoptionAn FAQ from the Ligos Corporation, distributors of the competing Indeo codec, includes this statement: "Many video files being distributed over the Internet use the DivX AVI format . . . ."
  Licensing and patent claimsDivX software is distributed under license from DivXNetworks, free for personal use and fee-based for commercial uses.
TransparencyDepends upon algorithms and tools to read; will require sophistication to build tools.
Self-documentationNot applicable; provided by wrapper formats.
External dependenciesNone.
Technical protection considerationsUnknown

Quality and functionality factors (video) Explanation of format description terms

Normal renderingNot applicable
Clarity (support for high image resolution)Moderate, varies according to levels of compression and picture size; the maximum of which is about four megapixels, with no dimension exceeding 8,188 pixels. Does not support interlaced playback.
Fidelity (support for high audio resolution)Not applicable.
Support for multiple sound channelsNot applicable.
Functionality beyond normal video renderingNot applicable.

File type signifiers Explanation of format description terms

Tag typeValueNote
Filename Extensionn/a 
Internet Media Typen/a 
Magic numbersn/a 
Microsoft FOURCCDIVX, DIV3, DIV4, DX50Used when this codec is wrapped in Microsoft file formats, e.g., AVI and ASF. Only the first of these FOURCC codes (DIVX) is listed at the Microsoft registry. The others are listed elsewhere, including a forum at; presumably the numbered FOURCCs identify DivX versions 3, 4, and 5.

Notes Explanation of format description terms

HistoryThe Official DivX 5.1 Guide indicates that Jérôme Rota began work on DivX in 1999, with an eye toward fitting a feature film on a compact disk and/or making it easy to disseminate films on the web. DivXNetworks was founded in 2000. In 2001, DixXNetworks launched a "covert" website that led to the creation of OpenDivX, an open source project eventually called XVID. DivX 4 was released in 2001, DivX5 in March 2002, and version 5.1 in the latter half of 2003.

The Digital Digest DivX FAQ reports "The original DivX 3.xx codec is based on Microsoft's MPEG-4 V3 codec (ASF was based on MPEG-4 V2). The reason why the codec was "hacked" and re-distributed is because Microsoft's codec did not allow one to encode to AVI (they only wanted people to encode to ASF/WMV), which is far from being convenient. The DivX 3.xx codec also includes hacked versions of a MP3 codec and a WMA codec. . . . The new DivX 4.x codec has nothing to do with Microsoft - it has been developed entirely from scratch." The same is no doubt true of the DivX 5 codec.

Format specifications Explanation of format description terms

The Official DivX 5.1 Guide is a "how to" guide for software users and not a set of specifications in a strict sense. Still, it provides much useful information.


Useful references

DivXNetworks web site
DivX FAQ from the Digital Digest.
John McGowan's AVI Overview: Audio and Video Codecs (
• DivXNetworks licensing information
• Product information from the software company Ligos Corporation (
Microsoft registry of FOURCC codes and WAVE format indicators ( The archived 2001 version of this registry is at


Last Updated: Wednesday, 07-Mar-2007 12:40:19 EST