Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
Thank you for visiting my Senate Web site. One of the most important parts of my job as Senator is to help provide services and information to my constituents in North Dakota.

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Kent Conrad


Senator Conrad Announces his 'Open Fields Incentives' Legislation

Surrounded by outdoors enthusiasts and Congressional colleagues, Senator Conrad announced the introduction of his Open Fields initiative to the 109th Congress. The popular bipartisan legislation, authored by Senator Conrad, provides incentives to farmers and ranchers who voluntarily open their land to hunting, fishing and other wildlife-related activities.


Conrad Introduces Open Fields to the 109th Congress (03-08-05)

Senator Conrad Gathers Support for Open Fields (02-24-05)

Senator Conrad's speech to the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation (07-14-04)

Senator says Open Fields drawing wide, bipartisan support (07-14-04) (.mp3)

Press Release on Introducing Open Fields (11-07-03)

Remarks from Sen. Conrad's Press Conference (11-07-03) (.mp3)

"Dear Collegue" Letter Regarding the Open Fields Legislation

Statement on the Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program

Summary of Open Fields Legislation

Full Text of Open Fields

Answers to how Open Fields would work in North Dakota