Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
Thank you for visiting my Senate Web site. One of the most important parts of my job as Senator is to help provide services and information to my constituents in North Dakota.

I hope you find this Web site both useful and interesting.

Kent Conrad


Conrad Tours Hospitals in North Dakota

Senator Conrad has visited nearly every hospital in North Dakota, from Grafton to Hettinger, from Crosby to Fargo. He has sought to energize support for his legislation to increase Medicare reimbursement to hospitals in largely rural states like North Dakota.

As part of his visits, Senator Conrad has presented the hospitals with United States flags, flown from the top of the Capitol dome in Washington DC, as a symbol of his recognition of the role hospitals play in our communities.

Read Senator Conrads floor statement about his H-CARE legislation, which has won bipartisan support and been approved by both the Senate and the House of Representatives, and been endorsed by the President.