School Workshops and Community Group Presentations

School Workshops and Community Group Presentations are conducted by volunteer docents at your location who have created document portfolios for group lecture, analysis, and discussion. The availability of docents will determine whether the workshop can be offered on the date and time requested.

School Workshop and Community Group Presentation Topics focus on the vast holdings of the National Archives and have been developed by docents and staff who possess professional or vocational interest in the subject area. The school workshops have instructional objectives and are also related to D.C., Maryland and Virginia history and civics standards. School Workshops and Community Group Presentations are conducted at your location, not at the National Archives, for school classes or community groups in the greater Washington, DC metropolitan area.

For additional information contact the Volunteer Program Staff:

Telephone: 202-357-5469
(7:00 AM to 3:00 PM, EST, Monday-Friday, except Federal holidays)


To Schedule a School Workshop or Community Group Presentation, fax the Scheduling Request Form, at least 4 weeks in advance, to 202-357-5925