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Hoekstra Statement on Reappointment as Intelligence Committee’s top Republican


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Washington, Dec 11, 2008 - .S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, issued the following statement after being reappointed Ranking Member by Republican Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio:

“The threats to America from radical jihadists and foreign adversaries remain persistent, and our vigilance against the same must remain so as well. America’s intelligence agencies remain the first line of our nation’s defense, and ensuring they have the robust capabilities and authorities necessary to protect our homeland remain my top priorities.

“We have fought to give America’s intelligence professionals the tools they need to detect and prevent future attacks. Experience has taught us that it is not a lack of desire on our enemies’ part to attack America, our troops abroad and our allies; it is our pursuit of the enemy and strong counterterrorism programs that have prevented them.

“The recent terror attacks in Mumbai, India, in which radical jihadists killed hundreds and dominated world news for days, proves the value of good intelligence. In a world full of threats to our way of life, we cannot risk gutting the intelligence programs that have kept America safe since the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

“Republicans in Congress stand ready to work with President-elect Obama in a bipartisan manner to maintain and strengthen America’s intelligence capabilities.

“Just as we did for the Bush administration, Republicans on the Intelligence Committee will conduct aggressive oversight of the Obama administration’s intelligence efforts and encourage our Democratic colleagues to do the same. The relationship between Congress and the executive must change going forward; America’s security is too important to leave to chance.”

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