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Hoekstra Encourages TV Viewers to Prepare for All-Digital Television Conversion
December 19, 2008  - After Feb. 17, 2009, full-powered television stations will broadcast in digital only. Those who watch free over-the-air television with a broadcast antenna and do not own a digital television will need a digital-to-analog converter box for analog TVs. “The digital conversion is the most signifi... More

Hoekstra Works to Suspend FPI’s Preferential Contracting Status during Economic Crisis
December 19, 2008  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, is requesting that the administration during the current economic crisis suspend the preferential status that allows Federal Prison Industries (FPI) to simply take federal government contracting opportunities.   He is supporting including a provision in... More

Hoekstra Responds to Breakdown of Talks on North Korean Nuclear Program
December 12, 2008  - The top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., issued the following statement in response to the breakdown of talks on North Korea’s nuclear program. “North Korea’s refusal this week to agree to a plan to verify the Six Party Talks denuclearization agre... More

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