

Hartford, CT -- Today, Congressman John B. Larson announced the following policy for the distribution of tickets to the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States.




From:   John B. Larson,  Member of Congress

Date:    November 26, 2008

Re:       Tickets for Presidential Inauguration

            As you undoubtedly already know, the historic election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States has generated an equally historic interest in the Presidential Inauguration on January 20th. It is estimated that approximately 4 million individuals will visit our nation's capitol that day to witness President-elect Obama's Inauguration and swearing-in.

            Inauguration tickets to the grounds of the U. S. Capitol will be available for only a very small fraction of all of those who would like to attend the Inauguration, and each Member of Congress, including myself, has been allocated only 198 tickets for distribution in accordance with each Member's discretion. And, of those 198 tickets, only 21 are for seats and the other tickets will be for individuals who will have to stand.

            Thus far, my office has received requests for over 5,000 tickets, and unfortunately we will be able to accommodate the wishes of only a few of those from whom we have received requests.

            I want to try to ensure that those to whom the 198 tickets are distributed by my office comprise a representative cross-section of the First Congressional District. In order to do this, I have established the following process for the distribution of tickets:

1.      No more than two tickets will be distributed to any individual, and the tickets may be used only by the requesting individual and his or her spouse, civil union partner, parent or child.

2.      Tickets will not be distributed to groups, organizations, corporations or other entities.

3.      Media reports indicate that hotel and similar accommodations in the DC area have been fully committed for several weeks now, and are no longer available. Thus, to help ensure that the tickets that we distribute are actually used, tickets will be distributed only to those who have been able to make arrangements for accommodations at hotels or with family or friends.

4.      I have identified a number of categories of individuals to whom the tickets will be distributed. These categories include my family and long-time friends; members of my Congressional office staffs; elected and appointed officials; political leaders; community leaders; teachers and other educators; community volunteers; and other categories that I may identify. Each individual who requests tickets will be assigned to one of these categories, and tickets will be allocated to each category based on the number of individuals and ticket requests in each category and to help ensure an appropriate cross-section of those receiving tickets. Within each category, certain tickets will be distributed to individuals identified through a selection process intended to help further ensure an appropriate cross-section of those receiving tickets, and other tickets will be distributed to individuals chosen by lot.

5.      Consideration will be given only to requests for tickets that we receive by Friday, December 5th.

6.      Not later than December 15, my office will notify those who have been selected to receive tickets, and those who are so notified will be asked to provide my office, prior to December 31, with the name of those who will be using the tickets, and the hotel or residence where arrangements have been made for accommodations. 

7.      Tickets will be delivered by the Inauguration Committee to congressional offices just prior to the event.  In addition, there will be increased security around Capitol Hill because of the large influx of people coming to Washington for the Inauguration which will lengthen the process of traveling in and out of federal buildings.  Therefore, people selected to receive tickets must arrange to pick up their tickets between 9am and 5pm on Monday January 19th at my Congressional Office on Capitol Hill.

8.      My office will provide information about general inauguration activities for those who have contacted the office and plan on being in Washington during the Inauguration regardless of being selected for a ticket to the Inauguration ceremony.   

I regret that many of my friends, constituents and others who contribute to the well-being of the First Congressional District will be disappointed because we will not be able to accommodate their requests for tickets. I hope that everyone will understand the need for this process and will feel that the process is a fair one and will result in a representative cross-section of our community. 

Please check our website,, for further updates, or call Gladys Mercado at (860) 278-8888, if you have any questions.



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