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United States Congressman John Kline United States Congressman John Kline
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Congressman Kline Co-sponsors Tax Holiday

Auto Bailout Proposal Falls Short of Protecting Taxpayers

December 11, 2008

WASHINGTON – Congressman John Kline issued the following statement after voting against the automobile industry bailout that passed in Congress today:
"I share the concern my constituents have expressed about the widespread economic consequences of a failure in America's automobile industry. However, I cannot support this bailout proposal that puts a government bureaucrat in charge of the marketing, investment, and HR decisions of private companies – and falls short of protecting taxpayers and accomplishing the ultimate goal of enabling the auto industry to become competitive again.
"Rather than rewarding poor financial decisions and crippling union contracts, the federal government should implement a common-sense, free market solution to our economic woes. To that end, I am cosponsoring legislation that would provide a two month tax holiday to let the American people decide for themselves which companies deserve bailing out and which do not."

December 2008 Press Releases