Today is: January 3rd, 2009
Digital TV Transition

United States Congressman John Kline United States Congressman John Kline
Energy - Home
Energy Tour - Apple Valley Transit

Congressman John Kline visits with constituents at the Apple Valley Transit Station to learn how the rising cost of gasoline is affecting their lives. Congressman Kline embarked on a daylong energy tour Monday, July 7, to highlight the multiple energy resources in Minnesota.
Throughout Minnesota’s 2nd district, Congressman John Kline continues to hear concerns about the high cost of gas and the long-term security of our energy supply. When it comes to helping make America more energy independent, Congressman Kline believes in an “all of the above” approach that increases production of more American-made energy, improves energy efficiency, and encourages greater reliance on alternative and renewable energy technologies. 
Throughout the summer, Congressman Kline has been visiting and touring energy production facilities in Minnesota’s 2nd District that highlight a variety of new, clean, and reliable sources of energy. He has visited numerous energy producers to learn more and illustrate that America needs a comprehensive energy plan and it needs to be enacted now.

Energy Plan

Kline's Solutions

Saving Tips
