Today is: January 3rd, 2009
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United States Congressman John Kline United States Congressman John Kline
News Center - Kline's Corner
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It Has Been An Honor Serving You

Putting Policy Ahead of Politics

Congressman John Kline visits with first- and second-graders at Good Shepherd Lutheran School in Burnsville. Congressman Kline read a story to the children as part of "I love to read" month.

December 23, 2008

As the year comes to a close, I would like to thank you for honoring me with the opportunity to represent your views and values in Washington for the past six years. Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District is an independent, diverse district, and as your congressman, I have done my best to put principles above partisanship and keep your best interests in mind. I will continue to listen to your concerns and get things done on your behalf – regardless of ideology or partisanship.

During the 110th Congress, when I championed legislation that made Minnesota’s successful “Beyond the Yellow Ribbon” reintegration program available to veterans nationwide; co-sponsored the “American Energy Act” that aims to increase the supply of American-made energy in environmentally sound ways; and swore off the corrupt and corrupting earmarking system in a call to end Washington’s wasteful spending practices; I put policy ahead of politics. These were not Republican issues; they were not Democrat issues. They were issues important to you, my constituents.

Next year, in the 111th Congress, I will continue to keep my promise to represent your views and values, cast my votes for what I think is right, and conduct myself with the dignity and integrity Minnesotans expect and deserve.
Deadine for Coupons to Avoid DTV ‘Blackout’ Is December 31, 2008
Starting Feb. 17, 2009, television stations across the country will change the way they broadcast their signals over the air – switching from an “analog” to a “digital” signal. If you have cable TV, satellite TV, or own a TV with a built-in digital tuner, you will not be affected by this change. You will continue to receive your television service with no interruption.
However, if you have a television that uses “rabbit ears” or a rooftop antenna, you will not be able to pick up TV stations after Feb. 19, 2009, without a special converter box. You will not need to purchase a new TV, but you will need to install a digital converter box to continue receiving TV broadcasts.
To defray the cost of a converter box, the government established the Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Coupon Program. This program provides coupons good for $40 toward the cost of an approved converter box (most converters cost $40-$70 and can be purchased at national or local electronics stores).
To receive these coupons before the Feb. 19, 2009, transition, they must be ordered before Dec. 31, 2008. There is a maximum of two coupons per household.
Coupons must be ordered from the Converter Box Coupon Program:
The deadline to order the converter box coupons is Dec. 31 – eight days away. If you need a converter box so your television can receive digital service using “rabbit ears” or a rooftop antenna, I urge you to order your coupons today.

December 2008 Kline's Corners