United States Senator - Lamar Alexander
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Alexander, Corker, Wamp: Oak Ridge Supercomputer is World’s Fastest System Dedicated to Unclassified Research
Say the Jaguar will Continue Tennessee’s Leadership in Maintaining America’s Competitive Edge
November 10th, 2008 - WASHINGTON - U.S. Senators Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and U.S. Representative Zach Wamp (R-Tenn. 3) said today that the upgrade to the Cray XT Jaguar supercomputer at the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) makes it the world’s fastest system available to open, unclassified research. The Jaguar, housed at the Oak Ridge National Leadership Computing Facility, is capable of reaching a peak 1.64 “petaflops” (one thousand trillion mathematical calculations per second).

“This new upgrade in supercomputing at Oak Ridge is just one of the many fascinating developments that is helping keep our state on the forefront of scientific research,” Alexander said. “It will preserve our brainpower advantage – especially along the Oak Ridge Corridor – so that we can create good jobs here instead of seeing them move overseas.”

“America's economic future depends upon our ability to remain competitive in the areas of science, engineering and mathematics. Today's announcement from the Department of Energy further solidifies Oak Ridge National Lab as a global leader in supercomputing and advanced scientific research,” Corker said. “Upgrades to Jaguar and the planned development of a new supercomputer, Kraken, will produce lasting benefits for our state's economy and for American industry and innovation. It's exciting to think that solutions to some of the world’s most pressing and complex problems could be discovered right here in Tennessee.”

“Our nation’s top scientists will now be able to accomplish in hours the same world class research that previously took months to finish,” Wamp said. “The Oak Ridge National Laboratory has once again proven it can consistently complete major projects on time, on budget and exceed its original performance goals. The science accomplished in Oak Ridge will ultimately produce more and better American jobs, advanced consumer products and will dramatically increase our country’s scientific leadership around the world.”

Among the most powerful open scientific computing systems in the world, Jaguar is already in high demand by scientists wishing to take advantage of the machine’s blistering speed. The Jaguar petaflops system is unique in the balance it represents among speed, power, and other elements essential to scientific discovery. Jaguar will enable companies to reduce development costs and shorten the time required to market new technologies. It is the result of a partnership among DOE, ORNL and Cray, Inc. that has pushed computing capa¬bility at a rapid pace.

Additional information on the Leadership Computing Facility is available at: http://www.nccs.gov/


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November 2008 Press Releases:
November 26, 2008 -  Alexander, Corker Announce More Than $20 Million for Tennessee
November 20, 2008 -  Alexander Votes to Extend Unemployment Benefits for Tennesseans
November 18, 2008 -  Alexander Statement on Reelection as Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference
November 10, 2008 -  Alexander Statement on Veterans Day
November 10, 2008 -  current Press Release
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