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   8th Annual Tax Preparation and Information Fair  (February 9, 2008)
   Congresswoman Norton addresses her constituents about tax preparation
    at the Washington Convention Center on Saturday February 9, 2008. 

The 9th Annual Rax Preparation & Information Fair will take place on Saturday, February 14, 2009 at the Washington Convention Center.







ask_me_about_dc_2-8-07_001   5th Annual Small Business Fair  (April 8, 2008)
   Congresswoman Norton's annual business fair, held at the Washington Convention Center on April 8, attracted double the attendance of last year with about 500 residents and businesses present.

The 6th Annual Small Business Fair will take place on Wednesday, May 13, 2009.






seniors_day_5-23-06_004   Annual Senior Legislation Day  (May 28, 2008)
   This years Seniors Legislation day held at the FCC on May, 28 2008  focused on educating seniors about the upcoming switch from analog TV to digital technology.
   Along with demonstrations on the converter boxes, lunch was served and a fitness expert held a group session for the seniors.  




The upcoming Senior's Legislative Day will take place in May 2009- specific date to be determined.   


service_academy_nominations_085   Annual DC Congressional Art Competition  (May 31, 2008)
   The Congresswoman announced the winners of the DC Art Competition as honorary chair
   at the Smithsonian Museum's Dillon Ripley Center on May 31, 2008.

  (For the 2009 application, click here)






job_fair_june_2008_063   11th Annual Job Fair  (June 11, 2008)
   Nearly 4,000 DC Residents and over 120 employers attended the Congresswoman's
   annual job fair at the Washington Convention Center on June 11, 2008.

The 12th Annual Job Fair will take place on Thursday, July 16, 2009 at the Washington Convention Center.







service_academy_nominations_083   Service Academy Reception  (June 23, 2008)
   Congresswoman Norton held a reception in the Rayburn building for two
   DC graduates nominated to attend the US Naval Academy on June 23, 2008.

  (For Fall 2008 Application, click here )



 Nominees for the US Naval Academy are Philip Judson Castiel and Dominique Maria Wright


capitol_river_waterfront_bid_event_july_1_2008_010   Capitol River Waterfront Bid  (July 1, 2008) 

   30 federal agencies and over 60 attendees were interested in developing
    business in the Capitol Riverfront Development District on July 1, 2008







cbcf_scholarship_reception_2008_005   CBCF Scholarship Reception  (July 14, 2008)

   Norton honors local DC high school and college students with scholarship funds
    from the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation on July 14, 2008


  Scholarship Recipients from left to right: Esrael Mesfin, DeAndre Tyree, Congresswoman Norton, Katherine Harvey, Carla Jenkins, Kellie Jones.



cbc_alc_9-07_033   CBCF 38th Annual Legislative Conference  (September 24-27, 2008)

   Norton's issue forum will take place on September 25th at 1-2:50pm in Room 140-B at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center located at 801 Mount Vernon Place N.W. Washington D.C. 20001.



  NASA astronaut and Air Force Col. Benjamin Alvin Drew and his parents with the Congresswoman



xmas children party   18th Annual Holiday Party for Disadvantaged Children  (December 17, 2008)
   Congresswoman Norton hosted 250 of DC's homeless children and kids in need in her annual
    DC Childrens Christmas Party on Capitol Hill on December 18, 2008. 



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