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Alabama Systems

One natural gas gathering and three natural gas intrastate systems in Alabama comprise approximately 265 miles of gas pipeline ranging from 2 to 30 inches in diameter along with one 3,300 horsepower compressor station near Tuscaloosa, Ala. Enbridge provides gathering services from numerous wells producing "coal seam" gas that is either sold to nearby industrial and local distribution companies or transported to the Transco interstate pipeline. The total capacity of the Alabama systems is more than 600 million cubic feet per day.

The Alabama onshore midstream systems are owned by Enbridge Energy Partners, L.P. Click on "Ownership Map" to the left for detailed pipeline ownership information.

AL intra map

Customer Information

Enbridge Pipelines (Tennessee River) L.L.C.
Caminus Web Customer Activities
Customer Activity-Measurement

Enbridge Pipelines (Bamagas Intrastate) L.L.C.
Customer Activities