Senator Thad Cochran

June 29, 1999 (202)224-6404


Washington, D.C. -- The Senate adopted a resolution introduced by Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) today designating the third week in October, 1999 and 2000 as National CHARACTER COUNTS! Week. The resolution encourages individuals and organizations across America to promote basic values and adopt the six core elements of good character.

"It has been my honor to cosponsor this resolution with Senator Pete Domenici every year since 1994," said Cochran, who is an original member of the Character Counts! Coalition in the United States Senate. "Never have we seen a time in the life of our society that good character has been more important. Solid lessons in character must be taught by parents and families, schools, and religious groups."

The Character Counts! Coalition is made up of more than 300 member organizations, including community groups, schools and businesses, who sponsor programs that emphasize the importance of good character traits in our society. These programs are based on the Coalition's six core elements, or "Pillars of Character." They are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.

A 1996 National School Boards Association report found that schools with character education programs reported improvement in student leadership, discipline, violence, vandalism, academic performance, attendance and drug and alcohol incidents.

In Mississippi, the Noxubee County Competitive Community Program, the Ocean Springs Chamber of Commerce, Kids With Character, and the Junior Auxiliary of Clinton are organizations who have joined the Character Counts! Coalition.

"I congratulate these communities in our State on their important efforts and hope that this year more Mississippians will become involved in similar programs," Cochran said. "The examples we set about how we treat others, and what we accept in social behavior will influence not only our children, but all children."



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