Senator Thad Cochran

May 19, 1999 (202)224-6404


Washington, D.C. -- Morris Hamilton, a student from The Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science (MSMS) in Columbus, Mississippi, has been accepted by Sony Electronics Inc. to participate in the 1999 Sony Student Project Abroad, U.S. Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) announced today.

Hamilton, a junior from Pass Christian, Mississippi, was nominated by Senator Cochran to take part in Sony's educational summer program for high school juniors and seniors who demonstrate a keen interest and ability in science and mathematics.
Hamilton is one of very few student to earn A's in all of his academic courses during his first semester at MSMS. He was a member of the MSMS team that recently placed first at the state Mu Alpha Theta mathematics competition. Hamilton also competed successfully in physics at Mississippi State University and the University of Southern Mississippi.

In addition to his academic accomplishments, Hamilton was elected governor for next year in the MSMS Youth Legislature and is a member of the MSMS Mock Trial Team, MSMS Young Republicans, Beta Club, and the varsity soccer and cross-country teams.

"Morris Hamilton will be an excellent representative of Mississippi and the United States," said Cochran. "His academic achievements, strong leadership skills, and community involvement set an example for our Nation's youth."

The summer program involves a trip to Japan and includes tours of manufacturing facilities, presentations on design and engineering, visits to historical sights, and a home-stay with a host family.

Nominees must be entering their junior or senior year of high school, maintain high grade point averages, and demonstrate an interest in science, math and foreign cultures. Sony seeks the leadership of Senators like Cochran, who is invited to nominate students for the program every other year.

"The Sony project provides American teenagers with a unique opportunity for technological training and cultural exchanges that will enable them to meet the challenges of the future," said Cochran.



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