Senator Thad Cochran

April 29, 1999 (202)224-6404

Lott, Daschle Announce Bipartisan National Security Working Group

WASHINGTON-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott of Mississippi and Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota today announced the membership of a new National Security Working Group. The 20-member group will observe and closely monitor executive branch negotiations with foreign governments on a range of national security topics, including weapons of mass destruction, export controls, and missile defenses. A resolution establishing the group and providing for its authority was agreed to by the Senate on March 25.

As part of its mandate, the group is empowered and encouraged to meet with legislators from foreign nations, including the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Israeli Knesset, on topics of mutual interest and concern, Lott said.

"By establishing a bipartisan working group to address national security threats and responses, the Senate is poised to enhance its oversight of these critical negotiations and issues," Senator Lott said. "I am particularly encouraged by the prospect of expanded cooperation and collaboration between the Senate and our colleagues in foreign legislative bodies. This new group will promote and protect the values of the Congress and the American people."

Senator Daschle said, "The National Security Working Group replaces the Arms Control Observer Group. I hope this new group, like the old, provides Senators the opportunity to address key national security issues in a non-political, non-partisan manner."

Senator Thad Cochran of Mississippi and Senator Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia will act as Administrative Co-chairmen of the group. Senators Lott and Daschle will serve as members. The other members are Senators:

Ted Stevens, Alaska, Co-chairman
Jon Kyl, Arizona, Co-chairman
Strom Thurmond, South Carolina
Jesse Helms, North Carolina
Richard G. Lugar, Indiana
John W. Warner, Virginia
James M. Inhofe, Oklahoma
Mike Enzi, Wyoming
Carl Levin, Michigan, Co-chairman
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Delaware, Co-chairman
Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts
J. Robert Kerrey, Nebraska
Daniel Patrick Moynihan, New York

John F. Kerry, Massachusetts
Richard J. Durbin, Illinois



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