Senator Thad Cochran

March 18, 1999 (202)224-6404


Cochran Also Commends Student "Heroes" from Clinton, Mississippi

Washington, D.C. -- Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) issued a statement today extending his sympathy to those Mississippi families who lost loved ones in the Amtrak train accident. Cochran also praised students from Covenant Christian High School in Clinton, Mississippi, for their efforts to help emergency officials rescue other passengers.

Following is Senator Cochran's statement as it will appear in the Congressional Record:

Mr. President, we were all saddened by the accident involving the City of New Orleans Amtrak train in Illinois on Monday night.

Several Mississippians lost their lives in the accident including June Bonnin of Nesbit, and Raney and Lacey Lipscomb of Lake Cormorant. I know my colleagues join me in extending our sympathy to their families.

Mr. President, as is so often the case, tragedies such as this can bring out the best in individuals. Based on information provided to my office, it appears that three of the students from Covenant Christian High School in Clinton, Mississippi, who were on the train, became heroes.

These students were part of a group of fifteen students returning from a spring break trip to Canada. According to persons on the scene, Michael Freeman, Caleb McNair, and Jeffrey Sartor, all 17 year old Clinton residents, quickly reacted to the situation.

With fire quickly approaching from a nearby car, Michael and Caleb opened a window and began rescuing people trapped inside the train. Jeffrey and Mrs. Phyllis Hurley, a chaperone who was injured herself, began helping people get out of the train too.

Caleb also assisted firefighters in getting elderly people to safety and getting a young girl freed from the wreckage. When firefighters and other help arrived, Michael was still on top of a car helping people from other cars over to the closest ladder and down from the train. Even after the young men were escorted to the side, they continued to help carry stretchers of wounded to safety.

Mr. President, I extend my sympathy to all the victims and their families affected by the tragedy, and I commend the efforts of these young people and the many firefighters and emergency personnel who acted to save lives and assist the victims.



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