U.S. SENATOR Jeff Bingaman

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jude McCartin
Maria Najera
703 Hart Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-5521

Bingaman Talks to New Mexico Reporters About “Lame-Duck” Session

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman this week talked with New Mexico radio reporters about what Congress is debating during the lame-duck session. Bingaman's remarks can be retrieved by going to his website or clicking on the following link:


00:00 – Bingaman talks about a proposal being discussed in Congress to aid the country’s auto industry.


09:50 –Bingaman says he looks forward to work with Senator-elect Udall and the rest on the newly elected New Mexico delegation. 


11:18 – Bingaman talks about a proposal being discussed in Congress to aid the country’s auto industry.


15:00Bingaman says he is confident that New Mexico’s national labs will continue to prosper in the new Congress.


17:12 – Bingaman says he believe Eric Holder will be a great Attorney General.


18:32 – Bingaman talks about his Senate committee appointment.


19:30 – Bingaman said the Omnibus Public Lands bill he has introduced will have to wait until next year.