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Article: Davis hosts grant writing seminar
Ashland Daily Independent - August 8, 2006

By Carrie Kirschner - The Independent

Ashland — Individuals from a host of educational organizations across Kentucky’s 4th Congressional District gathered at Ashland Community and Technical College’s Roberts Drive Campus for a grant writing seminar hosted by U.S. Rep. Geoff Davis, R-Hebron.

“When I came into office we discovered there was a lack of federal (grant) dollars coming into the area,” said Davis. “We began finding people didn’t have information.”

The congressman set out to change that.

To help funding for local projects make its way into his constituents communities, Davis’ congressional office began a program to provide information and offer assistance to organizations pursuing federal grant dollars. It also set up a notification system and began tracking all awarded funds by county and agency.

“What we want to do is make sure every community in the 4th District that has a need can participate in the program,” Davis said.

Last October the office sponsored a grant workshop, which was attended by approximately 400 individuals representing organizations in every county in the district.

This year, the office took a different approach and held specialized sessions.

According to District Director Tami Wilson, the office decided to hold seminars focusing on the top three areas for which funds are most often requested: Law enforcement, education, and water and sewer projects.

At each of the seminars, experts in the field were brought in to give attendees tips on how to write a better proposal. Representatives from the variety of governmental agencies that administer those types of funds also attend to provide information on their specific programs.

Thursday’s seminar featured David J. Downey, an associate director of training and development with the U.S. Department of Education, who led the instruction portion of the seminar. Representatives from the Kentucky Humanities Council, Kentucky Arts Council, U.S. Department of Education and Kentucky Department of Education also attended.

Donetta Trimble and Jennifer Perry with the Kentucky Educational Development Corporation attended the seminar in hopes it will help their organization secure funds for a variety of area education projects.

Trimble, who is a professional development coordinator with the educational co-op said she was there to “soak up tips.”

“The school districts are always needing money for everything,” she said. “We’re just here to see what’s available to them.”

“With grant writing, any connections with people, any additional information and opportunity to learn from other people’s experience is valuable,” Perry said.

CARRIE KIRSCHNER can be reached at or (606) 326-2653.

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