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June 30, 2008
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Preserving the Winning Formula on Global AIDS

Dr. Coburn Stands for Life-saving Priorities for PEPFAR Reauthorization

** Breaking News: With Dr. Coburn's support, the Senate passed PEPFAR legislation w/ treatment oriented goals 80-16. He is eagerly awaiting the House passage.**

The millions of people treated under the agreement.

To see a larger chart, click here, or read more.

News July 15: Senate proceeds to PEPFAR legislation.  Dr. Coburn gives Floor Statement
News June 25th: Congressional Leaders and White House Lift Objection to Prioritizing Treatment. Click here for more info on the deal to preserve the winning formula in PEPFAR reauthorization. Dr. Coburn submitted his lift-hold letter to Senator McConnell
The U.S. Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
In 2003, President Bush announced the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a 5-yr, $15 billion initiative to combat AIDS around the world. The program, set to expire at the end of this year, has been heralded as one of the most successful foreign aid programs due to its targeted focus on:
    • Treating those sick and dying of AIDS,
    • Preventing new HIV infections, and
    • Guaranteeing measurable results and standards.


Reauthorization Legislation Threatens Successful PEPFAR Program
While both the House and Senate reauthorization bills more than triple funding from $15 billion over five years to $50 billion, they irresponsibly simultaneously eliminate the critical priority of funding on treatment that characterizes the current program, and expand the focus and scope of this HIV/AIDS program to an unaccountable menagerie of loosely related development and poverty programs.
The current Senate reauthorization bill:
  • Eliminates the requirement for providing life-saving treatment.
  • Triples the funding, but only increases the treatment target by 50%.
  • Diverts funding from the poorest and neediest countries to richer countries with space exploration and nuclear programs, including Russia, China, and India;
  • Expands the scope of the bill from HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention and care to include every poverty and development program under the sun, such as: agriculture, schools, legal aid, gender empowerment, lobbying, microfinance, sanitation, and community food aid (as opposed to just critical nutritional support for patients on anti-HIV medications)
  • Doubles the U.S. contribution to the U.N. affiliated Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, TB, and Malaria despite the Fund’s drug quality problems, administrative corruption, and ability to bypass U.S. laws and policies on abortion, needle exchange, and prostitution/trafficking.
Senators Coburn, Demint, Burr, Vitter, Chambliss, Bunning and Sessions wrote Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, asking him to protect their rights to object to movement of the House or Senate global AIDS reauthorization bill, which turns the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) from a succesful, $15 billion program to care and treat people with AIDS in the poorest countries into a $50 global development slush fund. 
Click here to read the letter.
The latest WebMemo from the Heritage Foundation on global AIDS legislation.
Dr. Coburn's Reauthorization Agenda: SAVE PEPFAR!
Preserving the reasons for PEPFAR's success:  the priority on life-saving medical care for people with HIV/AIDS
AIDS treatment and diagnosis are still the most urgently-needed priorities for the PEPFAR program: 
  • 80% of people with HIV/AIDS in developing countries are unaware of their condition, and only 10% of those affected receive treatment.
  • Mother-to-child HIV transmission – a largely preventable tragedy with proper medication– is still causing thousands of babies to be born with an AIDS death sentence. 
  • Treatment IS prevention: the availability of treatment is the number one predictor of people’s willingness to be tested for HIV/AIDS. Diagnostic testing is the major predictor for prevention-related behavior change. 
 Africans agree... and Dr. Coburn and his colleagues support them...
Dr. Coburn is a key supporter of preserving PEPFAR in its current, successful form. During the time between his House and Senate terms, he was appointed as Co-Chair of the President’s Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS.  He was a champion for life-saving treatment during all the reauthorization processes for the domestic AIDS program, the Ryan White CARE Act.  Recently, Dr. Coburn introduced with his colleagues Senators Burr and Kyl, the Save Lives First Act of 2008, a bill that would complement any reauthorization bill, while preserving the life-saving elements of the successful current PEPFAR program.  
Largest U.S. AIDS treatment provider endorses Save Lives First Act.
MYTHS v. FACTS about a Life-Saving Global AIDS Agenda
Click here for more details.
For more information on a variety of global AIDS-related topics, see below.
Treatment Cost - Can we afford to treat 7 million as Dr. Coburn demands?
The Domestic Epidemic - Dr. Coburn has a consistent agenda domestically and globally...
Treatment IS Prevention - Response to the argument that "we can't treat our way out of this epidemic" 
Dr. Coburn's Baby AIDS Agenda - is it realistic? 
  • YES!  Baby-AIDS can be almost eliminated through proper medical care.
  • Only 25% of pregnant women with HIV are receiving the necessary preventative MTCT treatment, according to UNAIDS Report.
  • Babies can almost always be saved from an AIDS death sentence with proper medical care for them and their moms.  (Articles ... 2 ... 3)  
Information on Prevention - should we eliminate the small set-aside in funding under current law reserved for programs promoting partner reduction and delayed sexual debut?



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Senator Tom Coburn

Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security

340 Dirksen Senate Office Building     Washington, DC 20510

Phone: 202-224-2254     Fax: 202-228-3796

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