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Contact: Alexandra Haynes, Press Secretary
Phone: 202-225-3465

For Immediate Release:

House Passes Davis Legislation to Fight Homelessness

Washington, D.C. — On October 2nd, the House passed H.R. 7221, the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act of 2008. This legislation is a compromise version of two earlier bills – Congressman Geoff Davis’ original HEARTH Act of 2007 (H.R. 840) and S. 1518, the Community Partnership to End Homelessness Act of 2007. Congressman Davis is a lead Republican co-sponsor of the bipartisan compromise bill.

H.R. 7221 amends the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s definition of “homeless” to include unaccompanied youth and homeless families with children who are defined as homeless by other federal definitions (such as the definition used in Department of Education homeless youth programs), but currently do not fall under HUD’s definition. The definition also includes stronger language to help individuals who are victims of domestic violence or living in other dangerous or life-threatening conditions.

Congressman Davis stated, “Expanding HUD’s definition of homelessness to include living situations most frequently encountered by homeless families, children and domestic violence victims has been one of my top priorities for over two years. This is a huge step towards helping the ‘invisible’ homeless get the assistance they need to get back on their feet. If we are truly serious about ending homelessness in the long-term, we have to ensure that homeless children are given the opportunity to grow and learn in a stable home environment.

“I am extremely pleased to see H.R. 7221 pass the House and look forward to its consideration in the Senate. In addition to expanding the definition, the bill provides increased flexibility and tools for agencies and provider organizations to better meet the needs of the local homeless populations.

“A roof over one’s head goes a long way, but it is the supportive services, combined with housing, that have the biggest impact on changing a person’s path in life. The homeless assistance grant programs lend a helping hand to people who want to build a future and pursue a dream. This type of federal assistance has a lasting positive impact not only on the recipient, but on our communities as a whole.”

Congressman Geoff Davis introduced the original bipartisan HEARTH Act (H.R. 840) last year with the late Congresswoman Julia Carson [D-IN]. The legislation reauthorizes the homeless assistance grant programs created by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1987.

In addition to expanding HUD’s definition of homelessness, H.R. 7221:

  • Consolidates HUD’s competitive homeless assistance grant programs into a single Continuum of Care program, streamlining the way communities apply for funding, reducing administrative burden, and increasing local flexibility and decision-making;

  • Allows providers to use up to 20% of funds under the Emergency Solutions Grants for homeless prevention (current law only allows 3%);

  • Creates the Rural Housing Stability Assistance Program, giving rural areas increased flexibility to serve homeless populations that are without the resources and housing availability of large metropolitan areas; and

  • Provides incentives for rapid rehousing programs for homeless families that have been successfully used in a number of communities to significantly reduce family homelessness by ensuring a quicker return to stability and self-sufficiency.

Congressman Davis joined the following members in working to find a compromise on the House and Senate versions and subsequently introducing H.R. 7221 on September 29, 2008: Representative Gwen Moore [D-WI], Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank [D-MA], Financial Institutions Subcommittee Ranking Member Judy Biggert [R-IL], Housing and Community Opportunity Chairwoman Maxine Waters [D-CA] and Ranking Member Shelley Moore Capito [R-WV], and Representative Andre Carson [D-IN], the grandson of the late Representative Julia Carson.

Full text of H.R. 7221 is available HERE.


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