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Congressman Geoff Davis, Serving Kentucky's Fourth District
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Contact: Alexandra Haynes, Press Secretary
Phone: 202-225-3465

For Immediate Release:

Statement by Congressman Geoff Davis on the Current Financial Crisis

"Over the past week, I've heard from hundreds of constituents who have many concerns about the Treasury Department's proposed economic rescue plan. I want you to know that I opposed the previous bailouts of Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and AIG. However, the economic situation we face today is very serious. I am very concerned about its impact on the retirement savings, bank accounts and college funds of all Kentuckians. 

"The proposal sent to Congress by the Treasury Department is unprecedented in size and scope. Congress has spent the last week evaluating the potential impact this proposal could have on taxpayers and our country's fiscal well-being. Last night, the finalized legislation was released to the public and to all members of Congress.  I am carefully examining the legislation and amendments in the interest of protecting the American taxpayer.

"If you have thoughts or concerns about this issue, please email me HERE."

UPDATE: The House of Representatives is expected to vote on H.R. 3997, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, at approximately 1:00PM.  To view a summary, analysis, or full text of the legislation, click HERE.

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