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  Searched For: labs Results 1 - 10 of 186
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1. Bingaman Statement on the Nomination of Steven Chu to Lead the ...
... Dr. Chu is intimately familiar with the national laboratories has worked
closely with the labs directors of Sandia and Los Alamos. ...
2. Bingaman Talks to New Mexico Reporters About "Lame-Duck" ...
... industry. 15:00 – Bingaman says he is confident that New Mexico''s national
labs will continue to prosper in the new Congress. ...
3. Senator Jeff Bingaman: National Security
Senator Jeff Bingaman: National Security.
4. Senator Jeff Bingaman: Science & Technology
Senator Jeff Bingaman: Science & Technology.
5. Bingaman Statement on the Nomination of Steven Chu to Lead the ...
... leadership he has provided at the Laboratory.  Dr. Chu is intimately familiar
with the national laboratories has worked closely with the labs directors of ...
6. Senator Jeff Bingaman: Public Policy & Issues
... I will do my part to ensure that the work performed by individuals at Los Alamos
National Laboratory and Sandia National Labs and elsewhere in the state ...
7. Bingaman Talks to New Mexico Reporters About "Lame-Duck" ...
...   15:00 – Bingaman says he is confident that New Mexico''s national
labs will continue to prosper in the new Congress.   ...
8. Bingaman Talks Energy with New Mexico Radio Reporters 071508
... 08:58 – Bingaman says he hopes that the final budget blueprint for Los Alamos National
Labs reflects the Senate version, which does not include the drastic ...
9. economic_options
... The primary goal of this strategy would be to attract small start-up businesses
that would use the expertise at the labs to build "clusters" of R&D – in ...
10. Bingaman Reacts to DOE Budget Proposal for 2009
... I also don''t see why we are cutting out the advanced scientific computing
that our New Mexico labs excel in," Bingaman stated.  ...
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