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Press Releases

» Hoyer Statement on Biden Selection of Sudafi Henry as Director of Legislative Affairs, December 30, 2008
Vice President-elect Biden could not have picked a better and more qualified Director of Legislative Affairs than Sudafi Henry.

» Hoyer Statement on Situation in Gaza, December 29, 2008
Israel is acting in clear self-defense in response to heinous rocket attacks from Hamas-controlled Gaza.

» Hoyer Statement on First Anniversary of Energy Independence Act, December 19, 2008
With the enactment of the Energy Independence and Security Act one year ago, we took an important step in changing our energy policy.



» Hoyer Discusses Tarp Aid for Automotive Industry on Power Lunch, December 12, 2008
We believe there is an ongoing financial crisis. We believe we need to be ready to respond to that, and my view on that is the Congress is available. As you know there's another $350 billion that has not been authorized yet. The Administration has not asked for that yet...

» Floor Statement on the House Passing Auto Loan Bill, December 10, 2008
This time of economic crisis as America is challenged, as economists tell us we are facing the worst recession since the great depression, I want to say to Barney Frank, the Chairman of the Financial Services Committee, nobody has worked harder over the last 12 months on trying with Secretary Paulson, Ben Bernanke, Chris Dodd, Spencer Bachus, others in the Senate and the House to try to address this issue in a responsible, effective way...

» On Talks of Automotive Industry Recovery Plan on Bloomberg, December 09, 2008
We are hoping that for all of the parties involved, they understand the political nature of this, and they will make their contributions, in some ways this will be substantial, to make sure that the automobile industry is viable, and they will continue for many years to come.


Statements and Speeches

» Hoyer Statement on Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act, December 10, 2008
This bill is designed to give the automakers the time and space they need to become a competitive, job-creating industry once again.

» Hoyer Accepts Award from Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations on Behalf of Congress, December 04, 2008
Some awards mark a job well done. This one marks a responsibility that endures: our responsibility to an ally and a friend, a partner for peace and a fellow democracy, the State of Israel; our responsibility to stand by Israel and the Jewish people in a world where friends so often seem outnumbered by threats.



» Now for the Hard Part, October 04, 2008
In the end, the system worked, in its own halting, imperfect way. Now, we can only hope that the $700 billion package passed by the House of Representatives and signed into law by the president yesterday performs the hoped-for trick of unlocking the credit markets and averting economic disaster.

» Why the Bank Bill Should Pass, October 03, 2008
Few days in the 27 years I've served in Congress were as remarkable as Monday. It's not every day that Republicans second Barney Frank. It's not every day that Democrats stand and cheer for Minority Leader John Boehner.


Issue Spotlights

» House Leaders Address Situation in Gaza, December 29, 2008
House leaders released statements addressing the developing situation in Gaza.

» Democratic Leaders Respond to the Bush Administration's Plan to Aid Auto Industry, December 19, 2008
President Bush announced plans to provide government assistance to prevent the collapse of the American auto industry.