On the Issues


Senator Levin came to the Senate determined to work to improve the way in which federal agencies issue regulations. As a local official in Michigan, he had seen and experienced the problems of inappropriate or unnecessarily inflexible federal regulations and, in some cases, regulations that defied common sense.

Senator Levin has worked over the years for legislation to allow Congress to review regulations before they take effect, to encourage agencies to negotiate when developing controversial regulations so all parties with an interest in the regulations participate in developing the rule, and to require agencies to analyze the costs and benefits of their proposed rules to ensure that what we're doing makes sense and that we're using our resources wisely.

The first two of these three proposals -- Congressional review of rules and regulatory negotiation -- have become law, and Senator Levin is proud to have sponsored them. Senator Levin has sponsored legislation to implement the third proposal - requiring a cost-benefit analysis for major rules. The bill would have required each federal agency to analyze both the quantifiable and nonquantifiable benefits and costs of proposed rules, tell the public whether the agency thinks the benefits of the rule justify the costs, and if the agency thinks the benefits don't justify the costs, tell the public why the agency is issuing the regulation.

If enacted into law, the Regulatory Improvement Act would significantly improve the quality of federal regulations and thus provide important benefits to the public, including improving the environment, worker safety and public health.

The General Accounting Office, an independent, analytical arm of Congress, has said, "Passage of [the Regulatory Improvement Act] would provide a statutory foundation for such principles as openness, accountability and sound science in rulemaking."

Acquisition Reform at DOD
Ever since he came to the Senate, Senator Levin has been fighting to ensure that every dollar spent on national defense is spent wisely. more >

Campaign Finance Reform
On March 27, 2002, the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act became law. This was the first significant reform of the laws governing how federal campaigns are financed in almost 30 years. Senator Levin was proud to be a cosponsor of this bill. more >

DOD Civil Service Reform
The federal civil service system was established more than a century ago to replace a patronage system that was characterized by favoritism, and abuse. As we evaluate the possible reform of that system, we must take care that we do not allow those abuses to resurface. more >

Regulatory Reform
Senator Levin came to the Senate determined to work to improve the way in which federal agencies issue regulations. more >

Whistleblower Protection
Whistleblowers play a crucial role in ensuring that Congress and the public are aware of serious cases of waste, fraud and mismanagement in government. more >


Senate Chamber



View the list of bills sponsored or co-sponsored by Senator Levin.
Legislation - View the list of bills sponsored or cosponsored by Senator Levin.


To learn more specific information about Senator Levin's work on a particular committee, select from the list below. more

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Task forces are working groups formed to address issues of particular concern. Senator Levin is a leader of four such task forces benefiting both Michigan and the nation. more

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