On the Issues


Our military forces conducted a brilliant campaign to rid the world of the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein. Our challenge continues to be one of encouraging democracy and stability in Iraq. Senator Levin believes, as do our senior military commanders, that a political settlement involving the three main Iraqi groups is essential for defeating the insurgency, preventing all-out civil war, and is a critical element of our exit strategy for our troops.

Senator Levin has urged the Administration to make it clear to the Iraqis how important it is to the United States that the Iraqis achieve a political settlement, form a unity government, and make necessary amendments to their Constitution. Senator Levin believes it is essential that the Iraqi leaders understand that continued U.S. presence is not unconditional, and that whether they avoid all-out civil war and have a future as a nation is in their hands.

Iraq Intelligence Inquiry
Senator Levin announced in June that he was directing his Armed Services Committee staff to conduct an inquiry into the objectivity and credibility of intelligence on Iraq prior to the war, and to examine the impact of that intelligence on planning for the war and on the conduct of combat and stability operations. more >

US Policy Toward Iraq
Perhaps the most important decision that the Congress must make is whether to authorize the President to use military force against another nation. The decision to authorize the use of force against Iraq and resulting policies continue to be a matter of controversy. more >


Senate Chamber



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Task forces are working groups formed to address issues of particular concern. Senator Levin is a leader of four such task forces benefiting both Michigan and the nation. more

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