On the Issues


Through his role on the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Senator Levin continues to lead investigations into abusive tax shelters and offshore tax havens used by businesses and individuals to dodge payment of their U.S. taxes.

Offshore tax havens and secrecy jurisdictions today hold trillions of dollars in assets. While these jurisdictions claim to offer clients financial privacy, limited regulation, and low taxes, too often these jurisdictions have instead become havens for tax evasion, financial fraud, and money laundering. A sophisticated offshore industry, composed of a cadre of international professionals including tax attorneys, accountants, bankers, brokers, corporate service providers, and trust administrators, aggressively promotes offshore jurisdictions to U.S. citizens as a means to avoid taxes and creditors in their home jurisdictions.

These professionals, many of whom are located or do business in the United States, advise and assist U.S. citizens on opening offshore accounts, establishing sham trusts and shell corporations, hiding assets offshore, and making secret use of their offshore assets here at home. Experts estimate that Americans now have more than $1 trillion in assets offshore and illegally evade between $40 and $70 billion in U.S. taxes each year through the use of offshore tax schemes. U.S. corporations are estimated to illegally evade another $30 billion in taxes each year through offshore tax dodges. America 's working people bear the burden of this $100 billion tax gap.

In November 2003, the Subcommittee held two days of hearings that pulled back the curtain and provided an inside look at how respected accounting firms, banks, investment advisors, and lawyers have become high-powered engines behind the design and sale of abusive tax shelters. The hearings and an associated report found a corporate culture that pressured CPAs and lawyers to become tax product salespersons, pushed executives to �sell, sell, sell� to meet revenue goals, and overruled the few who didn't want to go along.

In August 2006, the Subcommittee held the latest of its hearings to expose and combat abusive tax practices. An associated report detailed six case histories that revealed how Americans use offshore trusts, corporations, and tax shelters to evade payment of their taxes. In one case history, two brothers built a network of 58 offshore trusts and corporations to avoid paying taxes on hundreds of millions of dollars in income. In another case history, two billionaires, using offshore corporations, staged a fake sale of securities to avoid paying taxes on more than $2 billion in income. The Subcommittee report makes a number of recommendations to combat these abusive tax practices.

PSI Reports on Abusive Tax Schemes:

Legislation supported by Senator Levin to address these problems:


Abusive Tax Shelters
Unlike legitimate tax shelters, abusive tax shelters are complex transactions that have no economic substance other than to provide individuals or corporations with large tax benefits unintended by the tax code. These illegal schemes enable tax cheats to evade paying their fair share while leaving honest taxpayers to make up the difference. more >

Closing Tax Loopholes
Congress needs to act to close down the tax loopholes being exploited by those seeking to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. more >

Earned Income Tax Credit
The earned income tax credit is a federal tax credit provided to working families with low to moderate incomes. more >

Economic and Fiscal Policy
Michigan's unemployment rate is among the highest in the nation. Our country is also back into a very deep deficit ditch. more >


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Task forces are working groups formed to address issues of particular concern. Senator Levin is a leader of four such task forces benefiting both Michigan and the nation. more

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