Customer Services


Circular Letter No. 376

January 12, 1994

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: Recycled Copier Paper

On October 20, 1993, President Clinton signed Executive Order 12873, Federal Acquisition, Recycling, and Waste Prevention, which requires agency heads to facilitate recycling in the Federal Government by buying recycled products, eliminating non- performance related procurement barriers (such as brightness), and incorporating waste prevention programs.

The Government Printing Office (GPO), in concert with the Joint Committee on Printing (JCP), is fully committed to the provisions outlined in Executive Order 12873. The GPO has long been environmentally conscious in its ultilization of natural resources, while striving to provide its services in the most efficient and economical means possible. Although the initial implementation of the Executive Order is not required until the end of 1994, it is our intention to embrace the provisions as soon as possible.

To that end, our quarterly paper contract beginning January 1, 1994, includes a new recycled copier paper, 100-percent Recycled Plain Copier Xerographic Natural Shade, Lot 271 (JCP 0-70). We are now accepting orders for this paper, which contains a minimum of 50 percent postconsumer materials. In addition to being environmentally friendly, this paper exceeds the minimum requirements called for in Executive Order 12873 (20 percent postconsumer materials beginning December 31, 1994) and is more economical than virgin paper.

We encourage the use of this recycled copier paper instead of virgin stock to support the President's efforts to restore the environment. If you have a standing order at GPO for virgin copier paper, we will contact you to provide an opportunity to change to JCP 0-70. If you would like additional information or a sample ream to test, please contact our Paper and Materials Section on (202) 512-2040/0421, or your Account Representative.

This circular letter was produced on 100-percent Recycled Plain Copier Xerographic Natural Shade paper.


Departmental Account Representative Division


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