News Room

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December 2008

12/17/2008 Filner Discusses Veterans Issues on Dr. Phil Show
12/8/2008 Filner Pleased With Obama Pick of General Shinseki to Run Troubled VA

November 2008

11/20/2008 Filner Re-elected Chair of House Vets Committee
11/19/2008 Filner to VA: Confidence in VA Completely Shattered by Recent Document Shredding
11/18/2008 Herseth Sandlin Continues to Monitor Progress of New G.I. Bill

October 2008

10/14/2008 Filner Victorious in Fight for Expansion of Veterans’ Health Care and Benefits
10/14/2008 Congressman Filner’s Bill Extends Purple Heart to All Deceased Prisoners of War!
10/1/2008 Filner Applauds Enactment of Veterans’ Spending Bill

September 2008

9/24/2008 Filner Leads House in Passage of Comprehensive Bills to Help Veterans Prevent Foreclosure, Access the Health Care They Need and Receive Earned Disability Benefits in a Timely Fashion
9/19/2008 Veterans Benefit Administration in Need of Improved Training, Performance Management and Accountability
9/18/2008 Chairman Filner Introduces Legislation to End Delays and Stop Budget Shortfalls for Veterans Health Care Funding
9/18/2008 House Passes Legislation to Honor Nation’s Veterans
9/16/2008 House Veterans’ Subcommittee Raises Concerns about VA Approach to Implementing New G.I. Bill Benefits
9/16/2008 House Veterans’ Affairs Health Subcommittee Assesses Suicide Prevention Efforts at the VA
9/15/2008 The Veterans’ Affairs Committees of the House and Senate Hold a Joint Hearing for The American Legion to Present Legislative Priorities
9/11/2008 House Passes Bill to Improve VA Home Loan Program and Sends COLA Bill to President’s Desk

July 2008

7/31/2008 House Passes Comprehensive Legislative Package to Improve Veterans Care and Augment Needed Services
7/24/2008 Important Veterans Provisions Included in Comprehensive Housing Bill
7/23/2008 Congress Must Act to Restore Earned Benefits to All Vietnam Veterans – Including “Blue Water” Vets!
7/18/2008 Agent Orange Equity Act Press Conference, Wednesday, July 23
7/16/2008 House Veterans Committee Approves Comprehensive Legislative Package to Improve Veterans Care and Augment Needed Services
7/15/2008 Understanding the Journey of War Veterans:
7/15/2008 VA Details New Suicide Awareness Campaign at House Veterans Oversight Hearing
7/10/2008 Subcommittee Approves Legislation to Increase Access for Mental Health Care for Veterans’ Families
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