Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Inaugural Web Site. January 20, 2009; Printed from

President William McKinley, 1897

Vice President Garret Hobart
Inauguration Date Thursday, March 4, 1897
Location In front of the original Senate wing, U.S. Capitol
Oath Administered By: Melville W. Fuller, Chief Justice
Bible Used: Bible presented to him by the Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church; II Chronicles 1:10 is marked
Length of Inaugural Address: 3,964 words
Attire (what the president wore): Unknown
Weather: Clear. Estimated noon temperature of 40°F.
Precedents, "firsts" or other interesting information: McKinley's 1897 Inauguration was the first Inaugural ceremony recorded by a movie camera. William McKinley was the first President to have a glass-enclosed reviewing stand. And this was the first Inauguration in which Congress hosted a luncheon for the President and Vice President.