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September 25, 2007

Statement of Senator Jim Webb Introductory Remarks For Governor Tim Kaine

Committee on Environment & Public Works

Good morning Chairman Boxer, Ranking Member Inhofe and members of the Committee.  I would like to thank you for holding a hearing on this important matter. The Chesapeake Bay is a cherished resource not only for the residents of Virginia and Maryland, but for the nation as a whole.  It is a national treasure, and your recognition of that fact by holding this hearing today is sincerely appreciated.  Members of the Bay Congressional delegation have a history of working together and with Committees of jurisdiction on efforts to protect the Bay.  As such, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you and your Committee’s work on the recently passed water resources bill, which contained several provisions for improving the Bay. 

But my real purpose for being here is to introduce the 70th Governor of Virginia and my good friend, Tim Kaine.  Under Governor Kaine’s leadership and the efforts by his predecessor, Governor Mark Warner, the Commonwealth has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in improving the water quality of the Chesapeake Bay.  These are significant levels of investments not only by the state, but by the local governments and communities in the Bay watershed.

Climate change is also an important topic and I’m pleased that the Commonwealth and your Committee are taking steps to address it.  This spring, Governor Kaine issued an executive order that requires state agencies reduce the amount of energy they consume, use of “green buildings” practices, and encourages the procurement of more fuel efficient vehicles for the state fleet.  Most recently, Governor Kaine released a comprehensive Energy Plan for Virginia.  The plan has been widely praised for its broad approach to address energy production and consumption and calls for dramatic improvements in increasing energy efficiency and conservation.  The plan also calls for reductions of greenhouse gases to 2000 levels by 2025. 

Finally, Governor Kaine has made a serious commitment to protecting the natural resources of the Commonwealth for future generations to enjoy.  He staked out an ambitious goal of preserving 400,000 acres of land during his time in office.  After only a year and a half in office, he has much to be proud of.  Through his leadership and tenacity – when he’s not fishing or taking out his canoe, Governor Kaine is known to pitch land conservation easements to unsuspecting landowners – Virginia has already preserved 164,000 acres.  This figure is
nearly double the previous year’s total.  The benefits of his efforts to conserve land will not only benefit the Chesapeake Bay, but will also improve air and water quality.  These goals will, in turn, have a positive effect on the public health and help preserve the Virginia countryside for sportsman, anglers, farmers, and tourists alike to enjoy for years to come.    

 I thank the Committee for their attention to this important topic and I thank you for inviting Governor Kaine to speak to you about Virginia’s successes.


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