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For Immediate Release
February 9, 2007

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

Fortenberry Urges Passage of Translators Legislation

Washington, DC - Congressman Jeff Fortenberry, of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, encouraged Congressional leaders this week to swiftly approve his legislation to increase the number of Iraqi and Afghan translators serving the United States Armed Forces who may be eligible for special immigrant status.  Fortenberry introduced the legislation in January.

“The service provided by Iraqi and Afghan translators is vital to our military operations,” Fortenberry said.  “These individuals often put themselves and their families in grave danger by helping our efforts there.  By increasing the number of eligible applicants, I am hopeful we can more quickly and efficiently assist those who have served America.”

Currently, the National Defense Authorization Act limits the number of Iraqi and Afghan translators who may be granted immigrant status to 50 per year.  Fortenberry’s legislation, which has bipartisan support, will increase this allowance to 300 annually for three years.

Fortenberry urged leadership of the House Armed Services Committee to take up this bill soon, possibly as early as next week. 

“This legislation provides an opportunity for Members from both parties to take immediate and tangible action to help individuals who deserve our grateful thanks for their dedicated efforts to bring stability to Iraq and Afghanistan,” Fortenberry said.



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