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For Immediate Release
June 20, 2006

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

House Approves Funding for Southeast Nebraska Cancer Center & UNL Laser Project
Senate Actions will Determine the Next Step for Lincoln Projects

Washington D.C. - Congressman Jeff Fortenberry joined his colleagues in the House of Representatives to approve $2.5 million in funding for the Southeast Nebraska Cancer Center (SNCC) and $1 million for the University of Nebraska-Lincolns (UNL) High-Energy Laser project in the House Defense Appropriations bill.

I am very pleased the House of Representatives has authorized critical support for two projects of national significance based in Lincoln, Fortenberry said. The Cancer Center and the High-Energy Laser project both contribute to the wellbeing and safety of Americans.

The focus of the Southeast Nebraska Cancer Centers work is the development of genetic signatures for the early detection and treatment of cancer through personalized molecular-based therapies.

The Southeast Nebraska Cancer Center is a leading-edge cancer research institution in America, Fortenberry said. This assistance will help the Center further its research efforts to fight cancer and save lives.

The University of Nebraskas High-Energy Laser for Detection, Inspection, and Non-Destructive Testing, also received support. The High-Energy Laser project involves the inspection and maintenance of military equipment. Laser technology supports multiple applications, including inspection of military hardware and equipment flaws, and detecting weapons hidden in cargo ships.

The University of Nebraskas High-Energy Laser will help continue the Universitys critical work in assisting our military, Fortenberry said.

The House of Representatives approved the Defense appropriations bill by a vote of 407 to 19. The Senate is expected to consider its version of the bill later this year.


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