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For Immediate Release
January 31, 2006

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

Fortenberry Responds to the State of the Union Address

Washington D.C. - U.S. Representative Jeff Fortenberry commented on the Presidents State of the Union Address:

The President gave a strong speech tonight, Rep. Fortenberry said. He needed to convey leadership and clarity of purpose and I believe he achieved that, particularly in the area of foreign policy.

I appreciate the Presidents emphasis on energy independence and healthcare reform. Of particular note was his emphasis on renewable energy sourcesvery good news for our country and Nebraska.

I have supported renewable fuels to benefit Nebraskas agricultural way of life and decrease our reliance on foreign oil. I have called for healthcare reform that empowers individuals and small businesses. And I have supported measured American efforts to promote long-term stability in the Middle East.

The following are Representative Fortenberrys comments on the issues discussed in the State of the Union Address:

  • Health Care Advanced information technologies, prevention strategies, and market-based reform, such as Health Savings Accounts will save lives and money.
  • National Security There is a delicate balance between national security and civil liberties. More Congressional hearings should be conducted on national security procedures and citizens privacy rights.
  • Energy Our national goal should be to significantly reduce our dependence on foreign oil with a combination of clean, environmentally sensitive technologies, conservation, and expansion of domestic resources. The Presidents emphasis on renewable fuels shows great promise for Nebraska agriculture.
  • War on Terrorism The United States is working closely with allies to address a broad range of security threats and opportunities, including efforts to stabilize Iraq and to protect the nation from terrorism.
  • Iran Continued efforts to compel Iran to suspend nuclear weapon production should be one of the highest Congressional priorities. I believe the President appropriately held out the hope that one day a free and democratic Iran and America could be close friends.
  • Lobby Reform The American people deserve the highest level of ethics in their leaders. Trust in the institution must be restored.

    Audio files of Congressman Fortenberrys comments on the State of the Union Address will follow this release.


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