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For Immediate Release
June 22, 2005

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

Fortenberry Cosponsors Constitutional Amendment Protecting Flag
House Passes Amendment by Required 2/3 Vote

Washington D.C. - The House passed a constitutional amendment Wednesday cosponsored by Congressman Jeff Fortenberry that would pave the way for future legislation governing the desecration of the American flag.

Protecting the flag should be balanced with a robust freedom of speech, Fortenberry said. This amendment gives Congress the right to protect the very symbol of our freedoms, including free speech.

A vast majority of Americans find flag burning extremely offensive. Many have charged up hills and died underneath our flag, Fortenberry said. The flag honors those who have fought for our nation, and serves as a noble reminder of the essence of what America means.

The amendment received the required 2/3 vote from the House, and will need 2/3 from the Senate as well as before it heads to the states for ratification. Five times the House has passed similar legislation only to have the Senate fall short by 4 votes of the required supermajority.

It is fitting as we approach our nations birthday to act to protect the American flag from needless desecration, Fortenberry said.

All fifty states have passed resolutions calling on Congress to pass a flag protection amendment, and over the last fifteen years polls have consistently shown that the majority of Americans support a flag protection amendment.

Audio of Fortenberrys comments is available by telephone at (202) 226-4766 (enter 367824# at the prompt) or by internet (RealPlayer format) at .


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