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For Immediate Release
Thursday, May 1, 2008

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

Fortenberry to Co-Chair Nuclear Security Caucus

Washington, DC - Congressman Jeff Fortenberry today announced the formation of the Nuclear Security Caucus in the House of Representatives.  This working caucus, co-chaired by Adam Schiff (D-CA), will address the increasing threat presented by nuclear proliferation. 

“The horrific consequences of a nuclear weapon explosion in America are unfathomable,” Fortenberry said.  “Yet, it is becoming easier to access the technical information and materials necessary to do devastating harm.  It is my hope that this new working group will add momentum to nuclear threat reduction.”

“Nuclear terrorism is a threat so serious in its consequences that we often shrink from contemplating it,” Schiff said.   “But ignoring the problem will not make it go away – in fact, ignoring the possibility of terrorists getting hold of nuclear material or a device makes that awful prospect more likely to happen.  This caucus is going to confront the problem head-on.  We will work to raise awareness and work to implement changes in our national security policy so we never have to deal with the terrifying consequences of a nuclear event.”

Drawing from leading congressional, executive, and private sector initiatives on nuclear proliferation, terrorism, and homeland security, the caucus seeks to engage energetic bipartisan interest to identify the most obvious vulnerabilities and take immediate action to improve nuclear safeguards, secure fissile materials, and prevent the misuse of sensitive nuclear materials and technologies.


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