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For Immediate Release
March 5, 2007

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

Fortenberry Reviews Walter Reed Hospital Conditions

Washington D.C. -Congressman Jeff Fortenberry met with officials at Walter Reed Army Medical Center today to review policies, problems, and potential improvements regarding the facility.

The brave men and women of the United States military deserve the best possible medical care, Fortenberry said. Walter Reed faces challenges, but efforts taken so far appear to be in the best interests of the wounded soldiers and administrators seem fully committed to restoring the facility to optimal service.

We need to get the problems fixed for the soldiers and families who have sacrificed so greatly for our country, Fortenberry said. Last week I urged the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee to conduct a hearing on recent reports of poor conditions at Walter Reed. I am pleased the Committee agreed and is aggressively pursuing oversight.

Fortenberry has visited wounded troops, including Nebraskans, at Walter Reed on several occasions. He last week sent a letter to the Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee requesting that the Committee conduct a hearing to explore the recent allegations of poor conditions lodged against Walter Reed Army Hospital. The Committee has since announced it would hold such a hearing on March 8th, 2007.


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