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For Immediate Release
December 6, 2006

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

Fortenberry Responds to Iraq Study Group Report

Washington D.C. - United States Congressman Jeff Fortenberry issued the following statement regarding the Iraq Study Group Report regarding the war in Iraq:

"The group's recommendations are an important contribution to the ongoing evaluation of our military, diplomatic, and strategic goals for the stabilization of Iraq. In my view, the report's emphasis on progressively modifying the training and deployment of Iraqi forces is very important.

"Iraqis must fight for their own country. Empowering their ability to do so must continue to be a top priority. In October, I joined the Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee in writing to the President to urge the more rapid deployment of Iraqi units into frontline roles.

"It's important to note that the Iraq Study Group is an initiative of the House of Representatives, which I supported. I appreciate the Iraq Study Group's bi-partisan and thoughtful approach."


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