United States Senator - Lamar Alexander
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander Home Print View Text Only Text Size Small Medium Large United States Senator - Lamar Alexander
“Be proud to say that we are all Americans." – Lamar Alexander

Recent Articles  View by Month & Year 
September 2008
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 27th - Fix mortgage problem, then blame
July 2008
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 18th - Lamar struck right chord with VW
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 9th - Identity Problems
June 2008
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 27th - An Inexhaustible Energy Source: Heated Words. But Can It Be Tapped?
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 24th - GOP going for green
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 21st - Opposition mounts to clean air change affecting parks
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 16th - Plug-in hybrid is next step to all-electric car
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 16th - New Manhattan Project Is Best Energy Solution
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 10th - Alexander: New Manhattan Project will lower farmers' energy costs
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 7th - Sen. Lamar Alexander's 'Tennessee Waltz'
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 5th - Congress Looks to Energy Technology
May 2008
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 9th - Senate Republicans Go on the Offensive
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 4th - Otis L. Sanford: Alexander has Dem leader in a political headlock
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 2nd - The cost of health care for small business
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 1st - Alexander Questions Maintenance Priorities
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Office of Senator Alexander
SD-455 / Washington, DC 20510
Voice: (202) 224-4944
Fax: (202) 228-3398
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