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@djdeedle Interesting. I haven't had those issues at all - on a wired connection to a 10mbps cable connection. Have you pinged @tivo?
From my blog: TiVo + Netflix is outstanding
I love that my three year-old daughter, upon seeing any football game on TV, immediately starts chanting: "GO NINERS!"
Watching Eragon with my sons (8 year-old has read it). Is it good? 8 year-old: "Yeah, but they cut a lot of corners from the book."
@nbradbury Yes, Facebook is much more useful when it's friends, not "friends".
Did @erikjheels just retweet himself? Does it hurt when you do that?
@henryt Yep, handles left-hand just fine.
From my blog: Learning to play guitar
Anyone responsible for coining the terms "celebritician" and "polebrity" should be smacked.
Really, really enjoying The Whiskey Rebels on my Kindle. Even better, it's free!
Why am I so hungry? Let's just say fondue + father-in-law means not a lot of food for Rick last night.
Finished organizing the garage. Time to drink, toasting a new year with a garage where I can see the floor. (It's the little things.)
@gci_kent Lease time is 24 hours. All other devices maintain their IP w/o problem. Weird.
My Mac routineley loses its IP address from the AP (requiring a DHCP renewal), other computers don't. Mac problem or an AP problem?
@chrisheuer @whatsnext Send details to me ( and I'll look into it.
@jasonmendelson Acoustic - - nothing fancy, just want to prove I'm back into it before upgrading.
@nbradbury Wait - you mean GHIII doesn't count as practice? I may be more behind than I realized. :)
My guitar shows up via UPS in a couple hours. Top on the '09 resolutions: re-learn guitar. Very excited.
Great win by the Niners.


Chris Wetherell Jason Shellen Ross Brian Oberkirch John Zeratsky Mike Carvalho Clay Johnson Karl Frisch Brittany Bohnet Nancy Scola Zack Rosen nicco mele John Federico Eric Olson Michael O'CC Joshua Levy greg cohn cody simms Bradley Horowitz Anil Dash Marie Carnes Lars Plougmann donl Matt McAlister Mark Chernesky Darth Vader Mathew Gross Chad Dickerson raanan David Raynes Justin Wise Amit Agarwal Denise Howell Matt Haughey Stephen M. Nipper Micah Sifry
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