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July 25, 2007

Webb, Freshman Senators Call For Comprehensive Ethics Reform Before August Recess

Call for End to Partisan Obstruction of Legislation Passed by Both Houses of Congress

Washington, DC—Nine members of the Senate freshman class including Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) called for the House and Senate ethics reform bills to be conferenced in an expeditious manner and sent to the President before Congress adjourns for August recess. 


Due to an objection by Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC), the bill has been stymied from heading to conference negotiations.  Similar ethics bills have passed both houses of Congress.


“We have a situation where one Senator is obstructing our ability to move forward on an important piece of legislation,” said Webb.  “The Senate has passed an ethics bill. The House has passed an ethics bill. It’s time to go to conference, figure out the differences, and have a law.”


“As an original co-sponsor of ethics reform legislation to raise standards in Congress and restore Americans’ faith in government, I am a strong believer that government should be open, honest, and responsive to the people it serves,” continued Senator Jim Webb. “Americans expect and deserve a government that inspires confidence and achieves results. We’re at the brink of enacting legislation that sends us down this path. We have a responsibility to get it passed.”


For audio of today’s press conference with Senator Webb, visit:



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