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Net Generation by Energy Source: Industrial Combined Heat and Power Sector
Table 1.5.    xls   format     Electric Power Monthly

Table 1.5. Net Generation by Energy Source: Industrial Combined Heat and Power Sector, 1994 through September 2008
(Thousand Megawatthours)
Petroleum Liquids[2]
Petroleum Coke
Natural Gas
Other Gases[3]
Hydroelectric Conventional
Other Renewables[4]
Hydroelectric Pumped Storage
1994 23,568 5,232 1,575 69,600 12,112 -- 6,028 29,633 -- 3,428 151,178
1995 22,372 4,376 1,654 71,717 11,943 -- 5,304 29,768 -- 3,890 151,025
1996 22,172 4,608 1,652 71,049 13,015 -- 5,878 29,274 -- 3,370 151,017
1997 23,214 4,001 1,648 75,078 11,814 -- 5,685 29,107 -- 3,549 154,097
1998 22,337 4,514 1,692 77,085 11,170 -- 5,349 28,572 -- 3,412 154,132
1999 21,474 4,229 1,860 78,793 12,519 -- 4,758 28,747 -- 3,885 156,264
2000 22,056 4,149 1,448 78,798 11,927 -- 4,135 29,491 -- 4,669 156,673
2001 20,135 3,952 1,341 79,755 8,454 -- 3,145 27,485 -- 4,908 149,175
2002 21,525 3,196 1,207 79,013 9,493 -- 3,825 30,489 -- 3,832 152,580
2003 19,817 3,726 1,559 78,705 12,953 -- 4,222 28,704 -- 4,843 154,530
2004 19,773 4,128 1,839 78,959 11,684 -- 3,248 29,164 -- 5,129 153,925
2005 19,466 3,804 1,564 72,882 9,687 -- 3,195 29,003 -- 5,137 144,739
January 1,639 272 148 6,536 814 -- 357 2,550 -- 405 12,720
February 1,488 237 131 5,815 811 -- 281 2,233 -- 360 11,357
March 1,635 230 130 6,133 885 -- 210 2,345 -- 477 12,046
April 1,608 188 132 5,734 836 -- 185 2,336 -- 425 11,445
May 1,621 197 133 6,586 881 -- 182 2,329 -- 452 12,380
June 1,673 184 141 6,493 793 -- 177 2,334 -- 382 12,176
July 1,743 190 146 7,187 889 -- 220 2,574 -- 426 13,375
August 1,749 223 150 7,249 880 -- 182 2,548 -- 413 13,394
September 1,589 203 140 6,388 818 -- 202 2,432 -- 420 12,193
October 1,619 167 119 6,716 855 -- 279 2,408 -- 483 12,645
November 1,512 208 130 6,142 734 -- 358 2,377 -- 444 11,906
December 1,586 268 156 6,690 728 -- 266 2,506 -- 417 12,617
Total 19,861 2,531 1,666 74,255 12,096 -- 2,899 28,897 -- 6,049 148,254
January 1,443 245 131 6,489 966 -- 402 2,409 -- 468 12,552
February 1,332 256 135 5,716 856 -- 207 2,199 -- 475 11,176
March 1,502 237 147 5,849 1,079 -- 211 2,310 -- 512 11,846
April 1,366 244 131 5,621 1,028 -- 200 2,369 -- 520 11,478
May 1,462 232 145 5,998 1,035 -- 180 2,325 -- 538 11,916
June 1,456 168 158 6,059 1,017 -- 218 2,369 -- 453 11,897
July 1,522 160 164 6,513 1,033 -- 142 2,511 -- 511 12,556
August 1,541 170 166 6,946 990 -- 216 2,498 -- 520 13,048
September 1,428 126 132 6,402 954 -- 107 2,431 -- 478 12,057
October 1,423 139 139 6,526 861 -- 117 2,439 -- 501 12,145
November 1,312 157 148 6,203 852 -- 113 2,422 -- 460 11,666
December 1,360 185 149 6,538 841 -- 157 2,475 -- 488 12,191
Total 17,146 2,318 1,745 74,860 11,510 -- 2,269 28,758 -- 5,923 144,529
January 1,380 161 107 6,898 775 -- 251 2,425 -- 324 12,321
February 1,284 135 90 6,257 726 -- 285 2,258 -- 216 11,251
March 1,518 135 94 5,760 1,071 -- 285 2,309 -- 281 11,455
April 1,426 91 134 5,535 985 -- 234 2,223 -- 305 10,933
May 1,483 87 89 5,954 851 -- 226 2,320 -- 238 11,247
June 1,474 124 113 6,279 909 -- 113 2,378 -- 231 11,622
July 1,602 127 108 6,938 991 -- 97 2,465 -- 255 12,582
August 1,525 106 113 6,808 1,000 -- 97 2,465 -- 225 12,340
September 1,494 150 101 5,153 604 -- 82 2,297 -- 184 10,064
Total 13,188 1,117 948 55,581 7,911 -- 1,671 21,141 -- 2,258 103,815
2006 15,037 1,904 1,264 55,551 9,270 -- 1,996 21,619 -- 4,445 111,087
2007 13,051 1,837 1,310 55,594 8,956 -- 1,882 21,421 -- 4,475 108,526
2008 13,188 1,117 948 55,581 7,911 -- 1,671 21,141 -- 2,258 103,815
Rolling 12 Months Ending in September
2007 17,768 2,481 1,715 74,996 11,233 -- 2,785 28,713 -- 5,818 145,508
2008 17,282 1,598 1,384 74,848 10,465 -- 2,057 28,477 -- 3,706 139,817
  [1] Anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, lignite, waste coal, and coal synfuel.
  [2] Distillate fuel oil, residual fuel oil, jet fuel, kerosene, and waste oil.
  [3] Blast furnace gas, propane gas, and other manufactured and waste gases derived from fossil fuels.
  [4] Wood, black liquor, other wood waste, biogenic municipal solid waste, landfill gas, sludge waste, agriculture byproducts, other biomass, geothermal, solar thermal, photovoltaic energy, and wind.
  [5] Non-biogenic municipal solid waste, batteries, chemicals, hydrogen, pitch, purchased steam, sulfur, tire-derived fuel, and miscellaneous technologies.
  Notes: Beginning with 2001 data, non-biogenic municipal solid waste and tire-derived fuels are reclassified as non-renewable energy sources and included in "Other".  Biogenic municipal solid waste is included in "Other Renewables." See Glossary for definitions. Values for 2007 and 2008 are preliminary. Values for January through July 2007 are revised. Values for 2006 and prior years are final. - See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923 and predecessor forms. Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
  Sources: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report;" Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-920 "Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;" and predecessor forms. Beginning with 2008 data, the Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report," replaced the following: Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report;" Form EIA-920, "Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;"  Form EIA-423, "Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report;" and  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, "Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants."

More Tables on U.S. Electric Power Generation:
Table 1.2. Useful Thermal Output by Energy Source by Combined Heat and Power Producers html pdf xls
Table ES. Summary Statistics for the United States html pdf xls
Table 2.6. Capacity Additions and Retirements by Energy Source html pdf xls
Net Generation by
Table 1.1. Energy Source: Total (All Sectors) html   xls
Table 1.1.A.   Other Renewables: Total - All Sectors html   xls
Table 1.2   Energy Source: Electric Utilities html   xls
Table 1.3   Energy Source: Independent Power Producers html   xls
Table 1.4   Energy Source: Commercial Combined Heat and Power Sector html   xls
Table 1.6.A.  State by Sector html   xls
Table 1.6.B.  State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
Net Generation from
1.7.A.   Coal by State by Sector html   xls
1.7.B.   Coal by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.8.A.   Petroleum Liquids by State by Sector html   xls
1.8.B.   Petroleum Liquids by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.9.A.   Petroleum Coke by State by Sector html   xls
1.9.B.   Petroleum Coke by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.10.A.   Natural Gas by State by Sector html   xls
1.10.B.   Natural Gas by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.11.A.   Other Gases by State by Sector html   xls
1.11.B.   Other Gases by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.12.A.   Nuclear Energy by State by Sector html   xls
1.12.B.   Nuclear Energy by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.13.A.   Hydroelectric (Conventional) Power by State by Sector html   xls
1.13.B.   Hydroelectric (Conventional) Power by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.14.A.   Other Renewables by State by Sector html   xls
1.14.B.   Other Renewables by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.15.A.   Hydroelectric (Pumped Storage) Power by State by Sector html   xls
1.15.B.   Hydroelectric (Pumped Storage) Power by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.16.A.   Other Energy Sources by State by Sector html   xls
1.16.B.   Other Energy Sources by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
Form EIA-906 and EIA-920 Databases   DBF
Net Generation by State by Type of Producer by Energy Source (EIA-906)     xls

see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2025
international electricity statistics